
Dec 16, 2021

Association of smoking, alcohol consumption, blood pressure, BMI, and glycemic risk factors with AMD

Kuan V, Warwick A, Hingorani A, et al
JAMA|December 16, 2021

Results from this study lend support to a potential causal association of alcohol intake with an elevated risk of geographic atrophy, smoking initiation and lifetime smoking with an elevated risk of advanced age-related macular degeneration (AMD), and smoking cessation with a reduced risk of advanced AMD.

  • In this Mendelian randomization study, it was inquired if smoking, alcohol intake, blood pressure, body mass index, and glycemic traits were related to elevated risk of advanced AMD.

  • A higher risk of advanced AMD (odds ratio [OR], 1.26) was observed in relation to a 1-SD increase in logodds of genetically predicted smoking initiation.

  • Lower risk of advanced AMD (OR, 0.66) was noted in relation to a 1-SD increase in logodds of genetically predicted smoking cessation (former vs current smoking).

  • Elevated risk of advanced AMD was evident in relation to genetically predicted increased lifetime smoking…..

Read more: https://www.mdlinx.com/journal-summary/association-of-smoking-alcohol-consumption-blood-pressure-bmi-and-glycemic-risk-factors-with-amd/6tI0QRK9o9zAfOfv4nvqeJ

Source: MD Linx

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