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Mar 28, 2024

Beacon Therapeutics is Seeking Participants with X-linked Retinitis Pigmentosa

Beacon Therapeutics is Seeking Participants with X-linked Retinitis Pigmentosa Who Have a Mutation (or Defect) in the RPGR Gene for Their Multi-Center, Phase 2/3 Vista Trial 

 To be considered for the Vista trial, you must:

  • Have a diagnosis of XLRP confirmed by a qualified healthcare professional.
  • Have a mutation in the RPGR gene confirmed by genetic testing. You may qualify for no-cost genetic testing.
  • Be male between the ages of 12 and 50 years.

The Vista trial is studying an investigational (not yet approved for sale by governmental authorities like the FDA in the US or EMA in Europe) gene therapy called AGTC-501. The study drug (AGTC-501) is designed to provide a healthy version of the mutated RPGR gene to allow the cells in the retina to make a healthy RPGR protein.

The purpose of this trial is to assess how well 2 different doses of AGTC-501 might work to preserve and/or improve vision and other symptoms of XLRP when compared to study participants who have not received AGTC-501.

If you have already received a notice about this study and have contacted Beacon Therapeutics, there is no need to contact them again.

If you are interested in learning more, please visit:

vistatrial.com or call 1-855-843-9847 (1-855-VIEWVISTA) to speak directly with a nurse.


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