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Feb 28, 2023

February as Low Vision and Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Awareness Month.

These conditions impact millions (AMD alone affects 196M) of individuals worldwide. This month highlights the importance of those with low vision seeking the appropriate care and management.

Low Vision FAQ
My team and I have updated our Low Vision FAQ web page. This page covers various topics related to low vision, including What is Low Vision? and What Does a Low Vision Specialist/Optometrist Do? Written for the public, I’d welcome YOUR questions to include on the page. You can access the FAQs here: https://lowvisionofmn.com/low-vision-faq/

MN Low Vision Guide
We offer free downloads of our MN Low Vision guide on our website. This resource is designed to enlighten people about resources in our area and provide information from the MN Department of Transportation on the vision requirements for driving. You can download your own copy here: https://lowvisionofmn.com/referring-care/

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