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Sep 12, 2024

The Changing Landscape of Nutrition in Medicine

A look at developments that have propelled us forward and those still to come for eye care.

by: Julie Poteet, OD, MS, CNS, FOWNS

At A Glance

  • The increasing prevalence of chronic diseases has highlighted the limitations of traditional medical approaches and created a growing recognition that addressing nutritional factors is essential for effective disease management and prevention.
  • Nutrition counseling, medical nutrition therapy, functional medicine, and preventive medicine have helped shape nutrition’s role in the medical field.
  • Looking to the future, personalized nutrition, technology, interdisciplinary collaboration, and policy advocacy will help further pave the way for nutrition in eye care.

In recent years, the medical community has increasingly recognized the profound effect of nutrition on overall health and disease management. This paradigm shift reflects a growing body of research underscoring the connection between diet, chronic illness, and well-being. Nutrition is no longer seen as a peripheral concern but as a cornerstone of medical treatment and preventive care. The eyes are the windows into systemic health. The microvascular changes seen in the retina serve as an early warning system alerting practitioners to changes taking place elsewhere in the body.1 These changes precede clinical manifestation and are independent predictors for hypertension, diabetes, coronary disease, renal disease, and stroke.2-5 As the medical community begins to embrace the role that nutrition plays in chronic disease, it is imperative for eye doctors to get on board, as every chronic, systemic disease can affect ocular health.


Historically, nutrition has played a secondary role in medical practice. The primary focus was often on pharmaceutical interventions and surgical procedures. However, ancient civilizations, such as the Greeks, acknowledged the importance of diet in health.6 Hippocrates, often regarded as the father of modern medicine, famously stated, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Despite this early recognition, the 20th century saw a decline in the emphasis on nutrition, overshadowed by the rise of modern pharmacology and technology-driven treatments.

The late 20th and early 21st centuries marked a re-emergence of interest in the role of nutrition in health and disease. This shift can be attributed to several factors: epidemiologic evidence, chronic disease epidemic, and nutritional science advances.

Epidemiologic Evidence

Large-scale epidemiologic studies, such as the Framingham Heart study7 and the Nurses’ Health study,8 have demonstrated strong correlations between dietary patterns and health outcomes. These studies have consistently shown that diets high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins are associated with reduced risks of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, certain cancers, and macular degeneration.

Chronic Disease Epidemic

The increasing prevalence of chronic diseases (eg, obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease) has highlighted the limitations of traditional medical approaches. These conditions are often lifestyle-related, with diet playing a significant role. As a result, there has been a growing recognition that addressing nutritional factors is essential for effective disease management and prevention.

Nutritional Science Advances

Advances in nutritional science have provided a deeper understanding of the mechanisms through which diet influences health. For example, research has elucidated the role of inflammation, oxidative stress, and gut microbiota in the development of chronic diseases, highlighting the potential of dietary interventions to effectively modulate these pathways.9


The integration of nutrition into medical practice has taken various forms, reflecting the diverse ways in which dietary factors can influence overall health. Some significant developments include nutrition counseling, medication nutrition therapy (MNT), functional medicine, and preventive medicine.

Nutrition Counseling

Many healthcare providers now incorporate nutrition counseling into their patient care, either directly or through referrals to dietitians and nutritionists. This approach recognizes that personalized dietary advice can help patients make sustainable changes to their eating habits. Discussing nutraceuticals and nutrition with patients who have macular degeneration has been the standard of care in optometry and ophthalmology since the completion of the National Institutes of Health and National Eye Institute’s Age-Related Eye Disease Studies, AREDS, and AREDS2.10,11


MNT involves the use of specific nutritional interventions to manage medical conditions.12 For example, carbohydrate counting is used to manage diabetes, while the dietary approaches to stop hypertension, or DASH diet, is recommended for individuals with hypertension. MNT is often provided by registered dietitians who work closely with other healthcare professionals.

Functional Medicine

Functional medicine is an emerging field that emphasizes the use of personalized dietary and lifestyle interventions to address the root causes of disease.13 Practitioners of functional medicine often use advanced diagnostic testing to identify nutritional deficiencies, food sensitivities, and other factors that may contribute to health issues…..

Read more: https://modernod.com/articles/2024-sept/the-changing-landscape-of-nutrition-in-medicine?c4src=article:infinite-scroll

Source: Modern Optometry

Julie Poteet, OD, MS, CNS, FOWNS is on the Medical Board of the Macualr Degeneration Assocaition 

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